Bibbulmun Track

I suspect even most of my hiker friends have never heard of the Bib Track either. I stumbled on it when I was looking aimlessly at  I liked the idea of going to Australia and this seemed to be a promising choice.

It's billed as going from the mountains to the sea.  Mountains are a relative concept. Australia is so old that most of the mountains have eroded down to rugged hills. I enjoyed that section but the real highlight was the south coast. Lone beaches, steep cliffs and very wild, remote scenery.

The trail has a lot of the feel of the Appalachian Trail. The shelters are spaced a short day's walk apart. The towns are 3-6 days apart and people love to thru-hike it. It has yet to be as populated as the AT but it's only been around about 30 years.

I saw kangaroos virtually every day and most days I saw 10 to 15.  Despite their size and sharp claws they're very timid animals and hop away without much provocation. I ran into snakes as well but they were
also happy to stay out of the way (fine with me!).  I saw (and heard) lots of birds especially wild parrots.
My personal favorite though was the bob-tailed skink.  It was a stubby little fellow that looked like a snake
with legs. One of them very proudly snapped a fly out of the air while I was watching and gave me a look of
triumph afterwards.

All in all quite an experience.